'For the first time in the tiny island's history, not one, but two of Ralia's youths had been Called. The resulting firestorm of celebration, debauchery, and rumor-mongering had basically ground the economy to a complete standstill. The Elders didn't press the issue. It doesn't help your authority to tell people to get back to work and have them laugh in your face. But not everyone was happy about the two new Lords Emergent.'
'The envious contented themselves with inventing puerile Domains for the new Lordlings, like the Lord of Outhouses or the Lord of Eyebrows. The fearful, on the other hand, whispered in dark corners about those Lords whose Domains were wholly dreadful. There were even some whisperings about the tyranny of Kioran, the Mad Lord who enslaved nearly half of the world when the Elders were young. But none of their concerns compared to those of the mother whose twin sons were the ones Called.'
The Lords quadrilogy is an idea I had the other day in a dream, and I decided to not let it sit like I usually do. From time to time, I'll flesh out different parts of the world on here to help me keep it fresh. The saga of the twin Lordlings will send them out into the world to discover their destiny, but of course their fate is a relatively small issue. Like all good sagas, the fate of the world/society/mankind is all wrapped up together. Each Lord has their own Domain, which can be a facet of the natural world, an attribute of some kind, or even an abstract concept. I can't wait to unearth it all...
P.S. I'm writing this post in my evening Database Design class. You really notice two people not showing up when there's only a five person enrollment...
'The envious contented themselves with inventing puerile Domains for the new Lordlings, like the Lord of Outhouses or the Lord of Eyebrows. The fearful, on the other hand, whispered in dark corners about those Lords whose Domains were wholly dreadful. There were even some whisperings about the tyranny of Kioran, the Mad Lord who enslaved nearly half of the world when the Elders were young. But none of their concerns compared to those of the mother whose twin sons were the ones Called.'
The Lords quadrilogy is an idea I had the other day in a dream, and I decided to not let it sit like I usually do. From time to time, I'll flesh out different parts of the world on here to help me keep it fresh. The saga of the twin Lordlings will send them out into the world to discover their destiny, but of course their fate is a relatively small issue. Like all good sagas, the fate of the world/society/mankind is all wrapped up together. Each Lord has their own Domain, which can be a facet of the natural world, an attribute of some kind, or even an abstract concept. I can't wait to unearth it all...
P.S. I'm writing this post in my evening Database Design class. You really notice two people not showing up when there's only a five person enrollment...
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