I've got a story ready to go, called 'Busts'. I've just got to write the rest of it, but it seems readily available to my consciousness. I've got several dozen things of an administrative nature to take care of as well, and we know how irritating those are. My financial situation has kind of descended from dire to catastrophic somehow, and its really bugging me. Time to pull those last irons out of the fire. Too bad they're not very big irons.
My life needs some distilling again. I was opening up some of the dusty cobwebbed vaults of my soul, and the results were unsatisfactory. Work, eat, sleep. Work, eat, sleep. Slam those doors closed and throw some stronger chains on them, that's the ticket!
A friend of my sister's brought her kids over today. Children. Disturbingly fragile, but oddly indestructible at the same time. This kid is a trip. He has perfect memory recall of the times his mother drops the f-bomb, but can't seem to hear the simplest requests, no matter how loudly she shouts them at him. And the weirdest? He rips Oreos open and scrapes the cream out! (I know, but its weird to me... lol)
I feel the need to type something deep and meaningful, something that will stand for the ages. I can feel my titanic creative reserves shaping into a tidal wave of profundity. My mind swells with the incredible energy and I look down on the lesser mortals around me with scorn. Puny insects, crawling beneath me about the business of their inane, useless lives. My might will allow no challenges, the universe will quake at the uttering of my Words... Ah, screw it, I'm going to the store.
P.S. If I was a god, would my 'God Complex' be a 'Me Complex'?