
Musings, rants, diatribes, recollections, inspirations, and of course, whatnot.

Monday, March 14, 2005


My Systems Analysis class has really driven me to the point of hypochondria. Sitting there listening to the droning, I keep developing itchy eyes, splitting headaches, and whatever else my brain can invent. I try to tell it that this is necessary. I just need a few more classes to finally get that freaking degree, and this happens to be one of them. But it won't listen. It doesn't like the situation and is doing everything short of aneurysm to drive me out of the class. I did get a good grade on the exam, though. Well, pretty good, seeing as I only went to about 40% of the class thus far. It doesn't help being on the 2 hour sleep cycle again.


P.S. Sniffle... isn't anyone going to give me a tissue for all my crying?!?!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Being tired is getting to be a constant companion now. I had to go into work today(my only day off) to finalize a couple deals from which I made very little money. Certainly not enough to buy the shack on the San Diego beach I've got my eye on. But maybe enough for a change of clothes and a tankfull of gas. Is it worth it? Should I have done it? Where will it end? Who can say? Who the hell am I talking to?

All good questions for me to ponder as I sit here on my recon mission. Time to stop sniffing around and take a bite, maybe. I'm sure the taste is excellent, but that doesn't mean I'll get to try it. (The current paragraph may seem extraordinarily cryptic. So sue me!)

The copier next to me is making the most outstandingly annoying sound as it cycles through the endless series of reproductions it's being tortured into cranking out. At least it sound like torture. I can't listen anymore! Just tell them where the secret plans are, Xerox!

I was listening to a conversation in Polish a few minutes ago. Granted, I don't speak the language, but it's easy to tell what's going on. It was a pretty inane gabfest about the weekend and getting laid most likely.

Without discipline, the writer can be trapped into spouting out whatever inanities spring to mind. Good thing I'm so under control, huh?


P.S. Tonight's entry was brought to you by a lack of sleep/lack of caffeine combo. Stop the unsanity!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Susan raises an interesting point over at Spinning about the audience reaction and writing. If an audience doesn't 'get' or 'see' what you were trying to show them, is it the writing's fault? Well, to me anyway, its yes. And no.
An image or idea can fail to transmit for any number of reasons. Improper presentation. Foreign references. Over(or under)-profundity than was expected. Lazy reading. Lazy writing. Distractions. Resistance. Stupidity. Left-handedness. Whatever...

Now, the people who know me might think that my caring about this issue would be the same as I would give to a rat's ass, but that's not really the case. I've cracked many a joke that only got me a blank stare or a vague smile, and it drives me bonkers when it happens. But those missteps are almost more important. How can you refine technique in a constant stream of applause and praise?


P.S. A favorite author of mine wrote a series of satirical fantasy novels where he not only embraced the cliches, but actually made them the Laws. Every barbarian had to wear a loincloth, and all beautiful women had to be half-naked and in danger. When the critics reviewed the first book, do you know what they said? "His world is just like everybody else's..." Amazing, isn't it?